Whatcom Homeless Service Center

Building relationships to end homelessness

[spacer height=”20px”]Are you homeless?

We provide local housing services, information and resources.

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WHSC services & information

(360) 734-5121

Access to housing services to prevent and end homelessness.
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Night by night shelter hotline
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Our FAQs provide information about services and homeless issues.
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Community resources:

[spacer height=”20px”]Are you a landlord?

Check out landlord/tenant rights, resources, and information.

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WHSC Landlord Liaison

Landlord mediation and supportive housing search.

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Tenant/Landlord resources:

[spacer height=”20px”]Want to learn more?

Learn more about housing issues and people experiencing homelessness.

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WHSC Homeless Outreach Team
Connecting persons experiencing homelessness with services and supporting community members in working through issues surrounding homelessness.

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More information: