Current Provider Resources
Providers, we’re here for you! Whether you’re a center owner or director, an in-home family child care provider, a school-age program staff member or a provider through the Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) program, we would love to support you with coaching and strategy so that you and the kids you care for can thrive.
Please see the list below for a quick overview of helpful resources for current, licensed providers. We encourage you to get in touch with us at for more information!
Note: Current providers who are unlicensed, please review the resources on our “Potential Providers” page and contact us at .
Department of Youth, Children and Families (DCYF)
- DCYF Resources for Child Care / Early Learning Providers (click here)
- DCYF Licensing FAQs (click here)
- Contact your local DCYF licensing office (click here)
- MERIT Workforce Registry (click here)
- DCYF Online Training Portal (click here)
Professional Development and Continuing Education
- Child Care Aware of NW WA: In-Service Stars Training (click here)
- DCYF professional development info (click here)
Early Achievers Coaching
Enhance your program through Early Achievers, Washington’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRS) for child care. To Learn more, visit the Child Care Aware of Northwest Washington site (click here).
Start Up and Expansion Technical Assistance
- C-RECC Feasibility Tours – We can help determine whether your potential facility is licensable, and if not, what steps you can take. Contact us at to request more information!
- Consultation with Western Washington University’s Small Business Development Center (click here)
Expansion & Start Up Opportunities
Occasionally, C-RECC works with retiring child care providers, community organizations, large employers, land developers, or property owners who are seeking to sell an existing program, advertise a potential facility, or in any other way partner with a provider who is interested in expanding their current business or start a new one. Click Here to learn more about these opportunities.
Funding Opportunities
Click here to learn more about grants and other funding opportunities curated by C-RECC.