Sandra Lopez Rodriguez
Bilingual Child Care Marketing & Recruitment Coordinator
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Sandra joined Opportunity Council in 2023. Prior to this, she worked in case management and adult education in a non-profit and community college setting. Sandra is a life-long resident of Skagit County and is excited to continue working in her community. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services from Western Washington University. She is looking forward to helping connect child care providers and community members to child care related opportunities and resources.

Megan Price Asheghi
Child Care Marketing & Recruiting Coordinator
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Megan joined Opportunity Council in 2023. Prior to that she enjoyed a long career in preschool and childcare teaching/administration—working in a variety of preschool and childcare programs for 23 years. The combination of over two decades in the field and her study of Early Childhood Education at Bellevue College has shaped her into an advocate for all things child, family, and teacher related. Megan grew up in Skagit County, and after a decade of living in the Seattle Metro area is thrilled to back in the north-end and a part of the Bellingham community!