Employment Services & Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy
We offer FREE financial literacy education to clients and community members to help increase money management skills. Courses include:
- Financial Literacy and Resiliency through Empowerment (F.L.A.R.E.) is a series of classes designed to increase adults’ awareness with their own behaviors and beliefs surrounding money. Topics discussed are goal setting, budgeting, credit, banking, identity theft and fraud. Join us for 8 weeks of dialog in a community learning environment available on Zoom. link will be provided once registration is received.
DATES: Class meets 5:30-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday for 8 weeks, April 2nd through May 21st.
Click here for the FLARE online registration form
- $wellness (Island County Only): A new approach to financial wellness. During the course, participants interact and complete activities that explore their culture and relationship with money. Topics include money culture, income, savings and spending, consumer financial protection, credit and credit reports, renter/landlord laws, and renting vs. buying.
$Wellness online registration form
- Economic Security for All (EcSA) helps Whatcom and Island County families achieve financial success by paving a path to build a meaningful career and create confidence through financial literacy. Families with children who receive SNAP benefits and are searching for employment or on the job training are eligible to enroll! Contact us today to see if your family qualifies.
e-mail: ecsa@oppco.org
phone: (360) 734-8396 Ext. 1381 (Whatcom County)
e-mail: ecsaic@oppco.org
phone: (360) 679-6577 Ext. 2137 (Island County)
Economic Security for All – Opportunity Council and Northwest Workforce Council are funded in part Federal WIOA funds. The Opportunity Council and the Northwest Workforce Council are equal opportunity employers/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay Service: 711
Whatcom Asset Building Coalition
Opportunity Council is the lead agency for a community collaboration that supports financial self-sufficiency through education and advocacy.
Job Seekers
Are you looking for employment? Do you want to make a career change? We have programs available to help you confidently prepare for and obtain employment of your choice! Our Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program offers services to job seekers who are eligible for, or receiving Basic Food Assistance (SNAP). Our Foundational Community Support (FCS) Program offers services to job seekers who are on Medicaid. Programs can include the following assistance:
- One-on-one support and collaboration with an employment specialist
- Assistance in resume creation, cover letters, job search, job applications and interview preparation
- Contact employers on behalf of job seekers
- Education and Career planning
- Guidance with SSI/SSDI benefit counseling and how employment might affect this income
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) Eligibility Requirements | Foundational Community Support Supported Employment (FCS SE) Eligibility Requirements |
Applicant must:
Applicant must:
Applicants must meet eligibility requirements for either BFET or FCS SE to participate
For More Information:
Employment Orientation
Every Tuesday at 1111 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham
11:00am-12:30pm; Doors close at 11:15am
Email EmployerPartners@oppco.org
Call (360)-734-5121
Employer Services
Are you looking for qualified candidates to join your team? Are you looking for a way to give back and get involved in your community? We can help you with all of this and more! Engagement with our employment team helps you with the following:
- Customized retention services and reduced employee turnover
- Free recruiting and resources for your workforce
- WOTC tax break resources & information
- Reach workplace diversity goals
- Offer industry expertise